ACI World AGA prioritises cyber threats and cleaner energy transition in airports

Important resolutions on the transition to cleaner energy and cyber risks have been approved by the Airports Council International (ACI) World Annual General Assembly (WAGA), underlining the objectives for airports in creating a resilient and sustainable aviation ecosystem.

Over 800 delegates attended the ACI EUROPE/ACI WORLD Annual General Assembly, Conference and Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain, where the 33rd WAGA was held. The ACI World Governing Board, which is made up of the top airport CEOs from around the world, presented the Resolutions.

SAF promotion and ESG practise support

The Resolution “Leading through cleaner energy transition and robust ESG practises,” which recognises the need for collective action to achieve the long-term goal of net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050, calls on the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and governments to collaborate with all financial institutions to make it easier to access green finance for aviation and to encourage the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). It exhorts governments to offer the essential financial, technological, and regulatory framework for assisting the airport sector’s energy transition.

Airports are urged to embrace strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practises that are appropriate for their unique situations, cooperate with ACI to establish the Airport ESG Global Framework, and take part in international initiatives to hasten the deployment of SAF.

Cybersecurity risks in aviation

The Resolution, “Affirming airport’s commitment to addressing the evolving cyber threats in aviation,” recognises the steps already taken by airports and urges all aviation stakeholders to increase their awareness and mitigation measures in this area. It does this because it is known that the aviation industry depends on interconnected systems and cutting-edge technologies and that they may be vulnerable to growing cyber threats.

The Resolution calls on countries, international organisations, and key players to utilise the international frameworks and standards already in place for information security and cybersecurity when creating frameworks, standards, and guidelines for aviation cybersecurity. Additionally, it urges governments to take the necessary steps to encourage the growth of a knowledgeable aviation cybersecurity workforce.

Riyadh Airports Company to host WAGA 2024

At the ACI EUROPE / ACI WORLD Annual General Assembly, Conference and Exhibition Closing and Handover Ceremony, Riyadh Airports Company was announced as host of the ACI Asia-Pacific / ACI World Annual General Assembly, Conference and Exhibition (WAGA). The event taking place from 21–23 May 2024 will convene in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is set to welcome global and regional airport CEOs, regulators, and dignitaries.

ACI World Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira said: “We are thrilled to be joining forces with ACI Asia-Pacific and Riyadh Airports Company to host WAGA 2024, the most important global gathering of airport leaders. The region is home to the fastest growing aviation markets in the world and to leading airports that are raising the bar on all fronts for travellers and communities. As we build a sustainable and resilient aviation ecosystem, our continued engagement with the global airport community and its relevant stakeholders remains the deciding factor in reaching our industry global targets.”

ACI Asia-Pacific Director General Stefano Baronci said: “It’s indeed a proud moment for us as WAGA will be held in Riyadh next year. This is a significant meeting of global aviation leaders, and a great forum to debate current issues and possibilities in the aviation sector, as well as exploring innovative strategies for long-term success. We are excited to welcome aviation leaders from all over the world and make it a memorable experience for all.”

On his part,  Musad Aldaood, CEO of Riyadh Airports Company, expressed, “It is a proud moment for us to announce hosting the ACI Asia-Pacific / ACI World Annual General Assembly, Conference, and Exhibition (WAGA) in Riyadh the following year. Enthusiastically, we are excited to welcome aviation leaders from across the globe to ensure a memorable experience for all.” Furthermore, he added, “This important convergence of global aviation authorities is a prime venue to address current challenges and explore opportunities in the aviation sector, as well as to investigate forward-thinking and explore innovative strategies for long-term success”.


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