Moroccan National Tourism Office successfully hosted a Familiarization Trip for Indian tour operators

From the bustling streets of Casablanca to the enchanting allure of Marrakech, participants embarked on a journey filled with immersive experiences and valuable connections.

They explored vibrant cityscapes, savored the best of Moroccan and Indian cuisine, and marveled at the majestic Hassan II Mosque and Rabat’s historic Chellah site.

The adventure continued with a magical night at the Agafay Camp, complete with music and dance in the serene desert. And not to forget the vibrant Jemaa el Fna square where participants shopped to their heart’s content, the famous Jardin Majorelle Garden, the Yves Saint Laurent Museum, and the Bahia Palace, a breathtaking testament to Moroccan architecture and design from the late 19th century.

At Agadir’s bustling Souk El Marketplace, participants indulged in the rich scents of spices and the world-famous Argan oil products.


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