Pickyourtrail expands from T.Nagar to Srinagar

The lauded Pickyourtrail journey started a decade ago in Chennai, and it was in this city that they meticulously laid the foundation of their travel company, with a handful of dedicated individuals.

Over the years Pickyourtrail’s reputation has grown beyond Chennai. Travellers from different corners of the country have been exploring the world with them. And their dream is no longer confined to just one city; it has taken flight!

They opened branches across the nation in Madurai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Trivandrum and our recent pitstop has been in Srinagar, their northernmost capital. If you thought this was part of their 10 year plan, they’d say “They wish”. Until 2 months back, Srinagar was only a beautiful destination for them. But now, it’s their next market to conquer. And all it took was one person’s voice in Pickyourtrail, to make them turn their heads in this direction.

The people of Pickyourtrail are the heart and soul of their journey. They affectionately call them their “Troopers” because they are more than just employees; they have played an indispensable role in shaping who they are today. As they continue to grow and explore new horizons, their troopers always remain at the forefront of their journey. And they have a beautiful example, right here!

Most opportunities are born out of unexpected circumstances and who knew a heartfelt conversation between one of their most passionate Sales Managers, Arsalan and our co-founder would lead to a beautiful start of their next chapter. His motive was very clear, to give back to his community and drive his passion project with the help of Pickyourtrail.

What followed was a testament to the power of dedication and the love that they got back from the community. Arsalan wasted no time and immediately took control of the rocketship. So much that he finished everything from setting up the office space to hiring six exceptional individuals, all in a matter of a few weeks.

The founders say, “Today, it feels surreal that what started as a nondescript co-working space in T. Nagar has blossomed into growing so big up to the other end of our nation, into a thriving 30-seater office in Srinagar.”

“This journey is not just about physical expansion; it’s a story of community, commitment, and growth. Decisions like these are not planned and often not envisioned beforehand. But when presented in front of us, it’s almost a crime to no bring this to life. It’s troopers like Arsalan who give us the momentum and fuel to keep moving forward and pushing more boundaries. And now to see our bright green ‘Pickyourtrail’ name board go from T.Nagar to Srinagar, it’s such an ecstatic feeling that we can’t just put it into words.

For us, Srinagar has become more than just a location; it’s a symbol of progress and connection for Pickyourtrail. It feels great to have a piece of us in a State of India that promotes tourism for the whole country for travellers around the world.

#FromTnagarToSrinagar, our journey continues, and our commitment to our community remains stronger than ever. From our humble beginnings to our global presence, one thing remains constant – our passion for crafting hassle-free travel experiences.”


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