PROMPERU launches specialised training program for Indian trade partners

The Promotion Agency of Peru for Trade, Tourism and Investments, called PROMPERU, has launched specialized training program called Peru Agents for Indian travel trade partners.  “Peru Agents” provides a comprehensive introduction to fundamentals of this monumental country, Peru.

This foundational concept supports agents as they outline innovative Peruvian itineraries for their clients. The program is developed in response to travel agents request to assist them with learning and guiding on creating effective itineraries. The program also helps in broadening the knowledge and the learning curve for new entrants.

The training platform contains short, yet informative modules, which guide the agent through the distinct facets of the country, in addition to providing promotional collateral required to design intuitive itineraries.

Peru is one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in the Latin American region owing to an experience which offers equal parts of tradition, modernity, art, music and culture with world-renowned gastronomy. The launch of PeruAgent in India is demonstrative of PromPeru’s continued commitment towards India as one of the most important markets of its region.


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