Tourism minister urges investors of Philippines to invest in Bangladesh

In the Minister’s office at the Secretariat, the minister made this call while meeting with the Filipino Ambassador Leo Tito L Ausan Jr., who was posted to Bangladesh.

Furthermore, the minister promised to offer investors from the Philippines every type of assistance if they put money into Bangladesh’s tourism sector. Cooperation in the travel tourism and aviation sectors would enhance the already strong friendship between Bangladesh and the Philippines.

The ambassador to the Philippines expressed interest in investing in Bangladesh’s tourism sector, citing the country’s rich cultural heritage and striking natural surroundings as possible travel destinations.

He promised to speak with Filipino investors about making investments in Bangladesh’s tourism sector. The envoy also indicated interest in building a direct flight link between Manila and Dhaka.

In response, the minister of aviation and tourism stated that since the current agreement for air services between Bangladesh and the Philippines was signed many years ago, he would instruct the Civil Aviation Authority to promptly update it and sign a new one. He also stated that he would investigate the viability of establishing direct passenger and cargo air service between Dhaka and Manila.


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